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How to take great holiday pictures

Whether you’re off on holiday or planning lots of days out this spring/summer, you’re probably going to take lots of lovely holiday pictures to share with friends and family on Facebook or just to keep and admire yourself

Here are some quick tips on how to turn your holiday snaps into stunning photographs, and some holiday picture ideas to help you out.

How to take great photos

Taking holiday snaps in the modern age has come a long way from when holiday pictures were taken 50-60 years ago! Nowadays, our social media feeds are a lot more curated, and everyone seems to be taking professional photos when they’re relaxing on the beach! Well, no one wants to feel left out, so we’ve got some insider tips you can use to take photos that you’ll cherish AND want to share with all your friends too.

Tip 1: Don’t cut off heads

It seems obvious, doesn’t it? But this simple tip can completely transform a snap into a great photograph! If you’re taking a full-length picture of someone, make sure you’re including their head and feet! Cutting a person’s head or feet off can spoil a great photograph. Try alternative heights when taking the photograph too!

Taking a photograph at the height of your head will have a different effect on moving your camera down to your waist to take it; the perspective changes making different body parts wider or narrower. Bear in mind that the angle you take your snap at can change how a person looks, and different angles flatter different people.

If you want to take a photograph closer up to a person and you’re missing off parts of their body, make sure you cut them off at the right points. You don’t want to cut people off at their joints as this looks very strange. Try and frame the image so the person is cut off in the middle of the joints. For example, if you’re just getting the top half of someone in an image, cut them off mid-thigh, rather than at the knee.

Tip 2: Rule of thirds

This is a great rule for stunning composition every time! If you imagine there is a 3x3 grid on your camera or phone screen (sometimes there is!), you can frame the main point of an image on any of those lines and immediately turn a snap into a creative image!

If you’re taking a picture of your husband or children in front of a beautiful landscape like a beach for example, put that person on one of the vertical lines, rather than in the middle and line the horizon up with one of the horizontal lines and a quick snap will turn into a beautiful photograph that you can print and have framed!

Tip 3: Use Flash

This is one for those bright sunny summer days or for when you’re on holiday and the sun is beaming down. Flash is your friend! Don’t only turn the flash on at night – in fact, using the flash at night will just give you a harsh light. You need to use flash along with ambient or natural lighting.

When the sun is shining in the sky and you’re taking a cute photograph of your children or grandchildren eating that massive ice cream you just bought at the seaside, you’re not going to need flash right? Wrong.
You’re going to want your subject to be facing away from the sun because otherwise, they’re going to screw their eyes up and squint, this means that the background is lit beautifully by the sun, but your subject is in shadow. .

That’s where your flash comes in! The flash will reach out and bounce off your subject meaning their eyes are fully open (if they don’t blink!) and they’re lit well. The sun will take care of lighting the background for you meaning you have one well-lit and balanced photograph!

Tip 4: Think before you snap!

It’s so easy to take a photograph these days and super quick! In fact – it takes professionals longer to set up the photograph and prepare for it than it does to take the photograph. Just put a little bit of thought into a photograph before you take it. Take your time! Look at what’s around you – is there any litter?

Move it out of the way. Is there anything around that might make the image extra special – pose someone against it or around it?

Talk to your subject; ask them to stand in a certain way. Ask them to put down the ugly carrier bag they’re carrying or to move their hand into a slightly better position. Has your little girl got lots of stray hair? Ask her to tuck them behind her ear so they don’t fly across her face.

Make sure to remove any cosy coverups, too to show off your lovely holiday dress!,

A little bit of thought, care and communication will take an extra minute, but it will make that summer snap a perfect photograph that will be treasured by you, and your family for years to come.

Tip 5: Have fun!

Enjoy taking your photographs and enjoy being in photographs! Photographs are captured memories that you’ll re-live again and again so even if you don’t enjoy having your photograph taken, put on your best smile or pull a characteristic funny face because people looking at the photograph in the future will want to see you looking happy and loving life!

Holiday picture ideas

• Pictures of your family and friends having fun – get those genuine candids of people laughing! • People will want to see the places you’ve visited and your favourite meals, so snap those to your heart’s content.

• Take pictures of the local area and people – they are what makes your trip unique and should be remembered!

• Attending an event while you’re on holiday like a show or a parade? This is the perfect place to get lots of holiday snaps.

• Got a new outfit from our Holiday Shop?, Show it off in front of your favourite flowering bush or on the beach!

• Golden hour pictures are key – when the sun sets and gives everything a lovely golden hue, you’ll capture your loved ones in a light you’ll want to remember forever.

What is the best camera for holiday pictures?

We’d recommend getting a camera that you’re comfortable with and know how to use before you go on holiday – even if this means just using the camera app on your phone! You won’t want to be fiddling with different settings when you’re trying to capture an authentic moment, so knowing the ins and outs of your camera is more important than the type of camera you opt for.

Want some more holiday content to help you get prepared for your next trip? Check out our guide on how to pack for a holidy,. Not got a holiday planned yet and looking for some inspiration of where to head away to for a quick weekend? Then our guide on the top weekend getaway destinations, has everything you need to pick the perfect mini vacation.